How to writing a successful invalid traffic appeal (Youtube and Blogger)

Whats invalid activity?

Invalid user activity is when a real person interacts with an ad, but not out of actual interest.

Some actions are accidental, like when a mobile user reaches for a link and taps an ad instead. Others are intentional and sometimes downright fraudulent. For example, publishers might ask (or even pay) users to click on ads, watch videos, or view content they wouldnt normally engage with to increase their impression counts.

Traffic caused by deceptive tactics like these creates bad user experiences and provides little or no value to advertisers, which is why were committed to stamping it out.
If your account was disabled due to invalid traffic, your account is no longer serving ads, and you will be unable to monetize with any Google ad.
Adsense Invalid traffix

How to writing a successful invalid traffic appeal

solutions. You're eligible to file an invalid activity appeal, but please be aware that that filing an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement. For more information about account disablements, please visit youtube Help Center.

If you would like to file an invalid traffic appeal for account reinstatement, please first review the AdSense program policies and top reasons for account closure. These policies and reasons apply to all Google ad solution products, including but not limited to AdMob, AdSense and YouTube.

Here are some tips that you may find useful in writing your appeal:

Question 1: How do users access your site, mobile apps, and/or YouTube channel? How do you promote your content?

Answer 1: users reach my content via Google search engine include Google bing or YouTube channel and other YouTube features some traffic reaches via social also include Facebook Instagram and Twitter.

Question 2: Have you or your site, mobile application, and/or YouTube channel ever violated the AdSense program policies or terms and conditions? If so how?

Answer 2: have not had any invalid click activity before the these violations also due to my mistakes, and happened unknowingly or due to negligence I don’t me unknowingly.

Question 3: What was the cause of the invalid activity on your site, mobile apps, and/or YouTube channel? Please give complete information about all the special reasons related to your case.

Answer 3: from my points of view the main reason for my account revoked might be the competitor might have done some invalid click activity or there might be some people who don’t have proper knowledge on how to use the app this might be the reason for my account deactivations.

Question 4: What changes would you implement to improve the quality of ad traffic to your site, mobile apps, and/or YouTube channel? When replying, please see our suggestions on how to prevent invalid activity.

Answer 4: first of all really apologize for any invalid click activity and condemn-like these activities and also for those mistakes which happened by unknowingly and my negligence further now I assure Adsense to be AdSense partner I start using AdSense partnership about a month ago and tried my best to do and valid activities if my AdSense is restarted I will do everything according to AdSense policies and try to get away from any invalid activity which violet any term and conditions.

Question 5: Please include traffic logs or report statistics for your site, mobile apps, and/or YouTube channel that show suspicious IP addresses, referrals, or requests that explain invalid activity.

Answer 5: dear Google this is the first time that my AdSense account is disabled due to like this invalid click activity I could not record my suspicious IP address traffic log and report, I also Appollogize again for this negligence too as much as I know about my site or AdSense I have mentioned. I only appeal to ignore any e server or light invalid click activity to my account and give me first and last chance to work properly on my AdSense Account, I accept that it is due to my mistake that I have inadvertently happened due to my negligence.

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